Server Side Includes
Learn more about SSI (Server Side Includes) - what it is and how you'll be able to use it to boost your site's functionality.
Server Side Includes (SSI) is a widely used server-side scripting language, used to add the content of one file inside of a second file. It's utilized mostly with online content and it could help make a static HTML website far more dynamic. If you'd like to have a daily quote shown on various pages of your site, for example, you can create a text file and switch the quote within it every day. All of the webpages where this file is included will display the updated quote, so you will not need to modify them personally each time. SSI may also be used to include the output of simple functions instead of a static file - for example, the viewer's IP address, a hit counter or perhaps the current time and date. This way, you may make your website appear far more professional and more appealing to the visitors. Web pages that use SSI use a .shtml extension.
Server Side Includes in Shared Web Hosting
You will be able to use Server Side Includes with all of the
shared web hosting plans that we offer and activate it independently for each domain or subdomain in your own hosting account. You can do this by using an .htaccess file, which needs to be placed in the folder where you wish to use SSI and you need to put a couple of lines of code in that file. You'll find the code within our Knowledgebase area, so you can just copy and paste it, as you don't need any coding capabilities to take advantage of all characteristics that our services include. In case you have already built your site and you would like to employ Server Side Includes afterwards, you will need to ensure that you rename the files from .html to .shtml and correct the links on the site, or else SSI won't work.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Hosting
It will be possible to activate and utilize Server Side Includes with a couple of mouse clicks with any one of the
semi-dedicated server offers as the feature is present within the cloud platform where your brand-new account shall be set up. All you need to do is to make a blank file named .htaccess through your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and then include a number of lines of code in it. You can find the latter within the Help articles accessible inside of your account, which means you do not require any programming skills - you can simply copy and paste the code in question. All pages that will implement Server Side Includes need to have a .shtml extension, so in case you add in this function to an active site, you should make sure that you bring up to date all the links in there.